Our shop

Tired of simple, boring shops without soul and ideas? In that case, we invite you to visit our store, which combines comfortable modernity and interesting Hungarian tradition. It is impossible to describe such a combination of different concepts in words, so we invite you to visit our store to make sure that such a thought can not only interest you, but also diversify your emotions and spoil your taste buds.

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“Welcome to Szeged! We have everything you need to satisfy and surprise your taste buds and preferences. We present to your attention the widest and most varied assortment of Hungarian goods from different parts of Hungary from the best manufacturers. We are waiting for you to visit our store every day, we are always at your service! ”

42-612 Tarnowskie Góry, ul. Pyskowicka 15, Poland

41-209 Sosnowiec, Jana Kiepury 5, Poland

40-311 Katowice, ul. Strzelców Bytomskich 4/2, Poland

+48 534 003 001